N.inv. Pigorini/ Serie W
71969/HT Wa 1108
The single-hole hanging nodule 71956 is the only nodule at the present days hosted at the Museum Pigorini, originally were two of the same impression, but the single-hole hanging nodule 71970 has gone lost. The sealing bears the impression of a “three fan-shaped leafs” (Albertini et alii 2013, 11)
The document is a cone hanging nodule and bears a Linear A sign at the base
AB 02/ RO
The sign recurs just on a few of exemples (besides on the nodule 71969, it recurs on 72460), scarse evidences that doesn’t allow to understand if it was used as acrophonic abbreviation for the name of a product or for a place.
This nodule was discovered in the North-West Quarter, between the Room 13, also known as “Stanza dei Sigilli”, and the Portico 11, like most of the cretulae probably fallen from the upper floor, which collapsed in the fire that destroyed the Villa (Halbherr 1903, 30; Levi 1925, 73; for the provenance of administrative documents See Militello 1988, 1992, 2001, 2011).
Measures 1.8 x 1.6 x 1.6 cm.
Scribe Wa 63
The seal impression HT 118 recurs 5 times; in particular, it occurs only one time in the “Pigorini corpus” (Del Freo 2002-2003, 69).
The motif, furthermore, has been described as “three shells inside a circle”. It’s an extraordinary and “arcaic” motif, even though the Neopalatial periodi is characterized by the flourishing of the minoan naturalism. Also a “look-alike” recurs, distinguished by our nodule just from the dimensions; possibly the two sealings on porpose they were made similar, and they could be a local variation of a motif with shell from Knossos (Weingarten 1988, 103; Weingarten 1992, 29-31; Albertini et alii 2013, 11).
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