X 9196
KN X 9196 is a very small fragment. The find-spot and scribal hand are unknown.
Only three syllabograms of the text are preserved. The first, possibly ‘so’, is larger than the others. It occurs in final position, therefore it is difficult to identify the incomplete word, considering that Mycenaean Greek includes numerous words that end with –so. The other two syllabograms preserved, pa-i[, were incised in smaller characters. These form the beginning of another word, now partially lost, but if the integration pa-i-ṭị[ (CoMIK; KT VI) is correct, this can be considered to be the adjective derived from the place-name pa-i-to, Phaistos. If this hypothesis is valid, fragment KN X 9196 increases the number of occurrences of Phaistos within the corpus of Knossos Linear B tablets.
sup. mut.
]-ṣọ / pa-i-[
Probably pa-i-ṭị[.
]-so Phais[tos …
]-so: final syllabogram of a lost word, which is difficult to reconstruct due to the large number of words ending in –so in the Mycenaean Greek lexicon.
pa-i-[: first two syllabograms of a word, whose final part is lost. It has been suggested that this word may partially be restored as pa-i-ṭị[ (CoMIK; KT VI), the root of the adjective, possibly an ethnonym, derived from the place-name pa-i-to, generally interpreted as /Phaistos/ (: Φαιστόϛ). The geographical localization of the centre in the plain of the Mesara, to the south of river Ieropotamos, is unanimously accepted.
KN X 9196 is a fragment of the lower part of a palm leaf-shaped tablet.
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