KN X 6029 is a very small fragment from the upper part of a tablet. The find-spot and scribal hand are unknown.
Only the syllabogram ‘pa’ is entirely preserved and it is followed by two vertical strokes, the left one clearly visible, while the right one is in the lateral break. They are what remains of the upper part of another syllabogram, which has been assumed to be ‘no’ (CoMIK and KT6). However, it cannot be ruled out that it could be the syllabogram ‘i’, as both syllabograms share similar upper strokes (according to the proposal of The pa-i-to Linear B Epigraphic Project). If one accepts the second hypothesis, one would obtain the sequence pa-i[, which could reveal the recording of the toponym pa-i-to, Phaistos, or one of its derivatives. This small fragment would thus be added to the references to Phaistos in the corpus of Linear B tablets from Knossos.
inf. mut.
Beginning of tablet. ]pa perhaps over erasure (CoMIK) / ⟦ ⟧ (KT6). Perhaps ]pa-ṇọ[.
]pa-[: syllabogram from a word that cannot be identified. If the integration pa-i[ is accepted, the word can be read as the place-name pa-i-to, generally interpreted as /Phaistos/ (: Φαιστόϛ). The geographical localization of the centre in the plain of the Mesara, to the south of river Ieropotamos, is unanimously accepted.
KN X 6029 is a fragment of the upper part of a tablet. It is 20.01 mm long, 25.5 mm high and 8 mm thick.
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