Coming soon
PH Wa53 sig doppia PH Wa53 sig PH Wa54 PH Wb34 PH Wb36 PH Wb55-53 PH Wc49
PH Wc50 1 PH Wc50 2 PH Wc50 3 PH Wc50 4 PH Wc51 1 PH Wc51 2 PH Wc51 3
Data License. The 2D+ and 3D-models of artifacts presented in the database of paitoproject are for scientific, non-profit use of scientists. All 2D+ and 3D-models are subject to copyright laws with all rights reserved.
Reproduction, publication or commercial use of these 2D+3D-datasets is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. For further information, contact: Prof Alessandro Greco