
Dr. Lavinia Giorgi
Education and Training
01.11.2020 – PhD candidate in Filologia e storia del mondo antico at Sapienza Università di Roma. Project: “Il bronzo tra scrittura Lineare B e scrittura cuneiforme: circolazione e gestione nel Mediterraneo orientale tra il XVI e il XII secolo a.C.” (Bronze in Linear B and Cuneiform documents: circulation and management in the Eastern Mediterranean between the 16th and 12th centuries BCE). Tutor: Alessandro Greco; co-tutor: Lucia Mori. Sapienza Università di Roma. Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia. Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità.
20.07.2020 – MA Degree in Filologia, letterature e storia del mondo antico. Final mark 110 cum laude/110. Dissertation in Mycenaean Philology: “Il ruolo dei palazzi micenei nel flusso dei beni attraverso le evidenze materiali e i documenti in Lineare B” (The role of Mycenaean palaces in the flow of goods through material evidence and Linear B documents). Supervisor: Alessandro Greco; co-supervisor: Alessandro Vanzetti. Sapienza Università di Roma. Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia. Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità.
28.09.2017 – BA Degree in Lettere Classiche. Final mark 110 cum laude/110. Dissertation in Mycenaean Philology: “Il regime fondiario miceneo: una proposta di confronto con l’Egitto del III millennio a.C.” (The Mycenaean land management: a proposal for comparison with Egypt in the third millennium BCE). Supervisor: Alessandro Greco). Sapienza Università di Roma. Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia. Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità.
12.07.2012 – High School Degree (Latin and Greek). Final mark 100/100. Liceo “Marco Tullio Cicerone”, Frascati (RM, Italy)
Other Training Activities and/or Work Experiences
17.10-21.10.2022 – The ku-do-ni-ja Epigraphic and Palaeographic Project (KEP). Participation in the philological, epigraphic, and palaeographical study of the Linear B tablets of Khania (Crete, Greece), stored in the Archaeological Museum of Khania, under the direction of Alessandro Greco (Sapienza University of Rome) and the cooperation of Maria Vlazaki (Honorary Director General of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage in Greece), Khania (Crete, Greece).
10.10-16.10.2022 and 03.10-25.10.2021 – Study and Survey Campaign at Phaistos (Crete) under the scientific direction of A. Greco (Associate professor, Sapienza University of Rome) and F. Longo (Full professor, Univeristy of Salerno). Epigraphic and palaeographical study of the Masons’ Marks at the Phaistos Palace.
1.09-31.10.2022 – Junior Scholarship for research activities at Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, Sapienza University of Rome, as part of the project “Cannatello (AG) – Excavations and integrated research on a key-site of Late Bronze Age Mediterranean connectivity: recovery and resilience / Scavi e ricerche integrate in un sito chiave per la connettività mediterranea della tarda età del bronzo: ripresa e resilienza”, directed by A. Vanzetti (Associate professor, European Protohistory, Sapienza University of Rome).
15.06-15.07.2022 – Visiting fellowship at Cambridge University, Faculty of Classics, as part of the ERC CREWS (Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems) project, directed by Dott. P. Steele, with a project entitled “The women of pa-i-to: a palaeographical approach”.
22.06.2022 – Participation in the philological, epigraphic, and palaeographical study of the Linear B tablets recording the word pa-i-ti-ja, stored at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (UK).
12.05.2022 – Lesson for the MA University class of Civiltà Egee (A. Greco, Associate professor of Civiltà egee, Sapienza University of Rome). Title: “La classe E di Pilo: il regime fondiario di un regno miceneo” (The E class of Pylos: the land management of a Mycenaean kingdom).
01.12.2021-31.03.2022 – DAAD Scholarship – Research Grants – Short-Term Grants (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Institut für Altertumswissenschaften – Lehrstuhl für Altorientalistik).
01.11-13.11.2021 – Study of material evidence from the Protohistoric site of Cannatello, Agrigento (Sicily), a spart of the archaeological project “Cannatello (AG) – Excavations and integrated research on a key-site of Late Bronze Age Mediterranean connectivity: recovery and resilience / Scavi e ricerche integrate in un sito chiave per la connettività mediterranea della tarda età del bronzo: ripresa e resilienza”, directed by A. Vanzetti (Associate professor of European Protohistory, Sapienza University of Rome).
29.04.2021 – Lesson for the MA University class of Civiltà Egee (A. Greco, Associate professor of Civiltà egee, Sapienza University of Rome). Title: “La metallurgia nel mondo miceneo: le testimonianze dalle tavolette in Lineare B” (Metallurgy in Mycenaean world: the Linear B evidence).
24.05-17.07.2021 and 20.05-13.07.2019 – Archaeological excavation at the Mycenaean palace of Pylos, “Palace of Nestor Excavations” directed by S. Stocker and J. Davies (University of Cincinnati).
01.01.2020 – Collaboration with the archaeological project PHAISTOS PROJECT, directed by A. Greco (Associate professor of Civiltà egee, Sapienza University of Rome), as part of the ONLUS “Gli amici di Minosse e Radamanto”.
01.03-31.05.2020 – Participation in the Luwian Hierogliphic workshop at Sapienza University of Rome (R. Francia, Associate professor of Anatolian studies and Hittitology, Sapienza University of Rome).
18.02-01.03.2019 – Archaeological excavation at the Protohistoric site of Cannatello, Agrigento (Sicily), directed by A. Vanzetti (Associate professor of European Protohistory, Sapienza University of Rome).
15.05.2018 – Lesson for the BA University class of Civiltà Egee (A. Greco, Associate professor of Civiltà egee, Sapienza University of Rome). Title: “La classe E di Pilo: il regime fondiario di un regno miceneo” (The E class of Pylos: the land management of a Mycenaean kingdom).
12.04.2018 – Digital Acquisition through RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) of the corpus of Haghia Triada Linear A tablets at Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico Luigi Pigorini, under the direction of A. Greco (Associate professor of Civiltà egee, Sapienza University of Rome) with the cooperation of prof.ssa Erika Notti (IULM University, Milan).
01.01.2018 – Collaboration with THE PAITO/PHAISTOS EPIGRAPHIC PROJECT, directed by Professor A. Greco (Associate professor of Civiltà egee, Sapienza University of Rome) with the cooperation of Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene (SAIA), the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion (Georgia Flouda) and IULM University of Milan (Erika Notti).
01.03-31.05-2017 and 01.03-31.05.2016 – Workshops on the RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) technology used on the Linear B tablets and on Mycenaean Epigraphy, Philology and Palaeography / Laboratorio di Epigrafia, Filologia e Paleografia Micenea (A. Greco, Associate professor of Civiltà egee, Sapienza University of Rome).
National and International meetings and conferences
21.10.2022 – Partecipation in Periplous: il mare nella Preistoria mediterranea, Siracusa, 19-22 ottobre 2022. In memoria di Calogero Rizzuto e Sebastiano Tusa, with the paper “Segni cipro-minoici su anfore egee da Cannatello (AG): nuovi dati” (Cypro-Minoan signs on Aegean amphorae from Cannatello (AG): new data), in collaboration with A. Greco, V. Cannavò, D. Gullì, S.T. Levi, A. Vanzetti and P.M. Day.
2.09.2022 – Partecipation in The Connected Past – Heraklion 2022. Networks in the archaeology of the ancient Aegean, with the paper “Following the oxhide ingots within Linear B texts between Aegean and East Mediterranean”.
28.07.2022 – Partecipation in 66e Rencontre Assiriologique International – Cultural Contact – Cultures of Contact, 25 July 2022 – 29 July 2022, Mainz, with the paper “Adoption and adaptation of writing systems in Ancient societies. The cases of Urartian and Mycenaean” in collaboration with A.S. Bonfanti (PhD at Università degli Studi di Pavia).
12.07.2022 – CREWS (Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems) Seminar, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University, with the paper “Recording the women of Phaistos: a new Palaeographical Approach to the word PA-I-TI-JA”.
15.02.2022 – Partecipation in Semi di Sapienza. Seminario dei dottorandi della e dalla Sapienza with the paper “E-KE-A e PA-TA-JA: un esempio di filiera produttiva dai documenti micenei in Lineare B” (E-KE-A and PA-TA-JA: an example of a production chain from Mycenaean documents in Linear B).
4.03.2021 – GAL (Gruppo Archeologico Latino – Bruno Martellotta) Seminar, Grottaferrata (RM, Italy), with the paper “Le origini della scrittura. Tra mito, leggenda e storia” (The origin of writing. Between mith, legend and history).
Giorgi, L. (forthcoming). “Review to A.P. Judson, 2020, The Undeciphered signs of Linear B. Interpretation and Scribal Practices, Cambridge, pp. V-XIX; 1-352”, La Parola del Passato. Rivista di Studi Antichi.
Italian: mother tongue
English: B2
French: A1-A2
Spanish: A1-A2
Other skils and experiences
IT management of Office, Photoshop, Illustrator, software QGIS, and relational databases as Microsoft Access and MySQL.
Digital acquisition of epigraphic documentation and its editing rispectively by RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) technology and RTI Builder Programm.
Data License. The 2D+ and 3D-models of artifacts presented in the database of paitoproject are for scientific, non-profit use of scientists. All 2D+ and 3D-models are subject to copyright laws with all rights reserved.
Reproduction, publication or commercial use of these 2D+3D-datasets is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. For further information, contact: Prof Alessandro Greco a.greco@uniroma1.it