Dr. Erika Notti
Assistant Professor of Aegean Civilisations in the Faculty of Arti, Turismo e Mercati (Arts, Tourism and Markets) at the IULM University (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM), Milan (Italy)
She graduated magna cum laude in Foreign Languages and Literature at IULM University in 2004, with a thesis in ethnolinguistics entitled “Strutture e funzioni della figura circolare nella cultura germanica ed indeuropea” (Structures and functions of the circular figure in Germanic and Indo-European culture). In 2008 she was conferred a Ph.D. at the same University, with a dissertation on the discovery of Akrotiri, Thera entitled “Atlantide: archeologia di un mito” (Atlantis: Archaeology of a Myth) (Ph.D. Program in: Comparative Literature. Literatures, Cultures and Europe: History, Writing and Translation. Profile: History of Mediterranean Cultures).
During her studies she developed an interest in language and writing, especially from a historical, cultural and anthropological perspective. During her doctorate studies, ensuant research activity and refresher courses she has specialised in the study of Aegean Civilisations.
Initially, her research dealt with the processes of transmission of the symbolic and cultural heritage in the ancient Mediterranean and Indo-European cultures. Her studies were first dedicated to the analysis of lines of continuity between the I and II millennium BC, and subsequently focused on Aegean languages and scripts, especially the history of writing in the 2nd millennium BC taken from a philological, epigraphic and palaeographic perspective.
She has conducted and coordinated several research projects dealing with Mycenaean and Homeric geography and the spread of writing practices in the Aegean. In particular, she has carried out research on “Written Evidence from Thera: An On-Site Investigation into the Development of Writing Practices in the Late Bronze Age” (Michael Ventris Memorial Award – Supplementary Award 2016, The Trustees of the Michael Ventris Memorial Fund) and “Minoan Mason’s Marks: Some Remarks on Ductus and Functions” (Dynamis grant 2013, Dynamis Network, Institute of Classical Studies, London).
She now coordinates the ‘From Tablet to Tablet’ Project. Exploring the Practical Applications of Imaging Techniques in Epigraphy and the Cultural Heritage, financed by the Department of Humanities of IULM University, with the participation of Giovanna Rocca and Mario Negri, and she is involved in “The Linear B pa-i-to Epigraphic Project” in close collaboration with its founders Alessandro Greco and Georgia Flouda.
She is a member of the editorial committee of the scientific journal “Alessandria. Rivista di Glottologia”. She is also a member of several societies and cultural associations, among which CUG (Consulta Universitaria del Greco), Aegeus-Society for Aegean Prehistory and CIRAAS (International Centre for Archaeological, Anthropological and Historical Research).
Areas of Scientific interests
Aegean Scripts
Minoan, Mycenaean and Cycladic Civilisations
Mycenaean Philology
Historical Linguistics
Anthropology of Writing
Among her lectures and courses:
– the Birth of Writing and the Development of the Mediterranean Cultures (series of lectures in the ambit of the course on Cultural Anthropology, in the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, at the University of Varese, Italy);
– Heritage of the Classical world in Tourism (IULM University);
– Mycenaean Philology (within the Ph.D. courses in Forms of Texts for the curricula in Greek and Latin Texts and Linguistics, Philology and Critic, University of Trento; within the Ph.D. course in Aegean Languages and Cultures, IULM University, Milan);
– Anthropology of Writing (IULM University);
– Archaeology and History of Ancient Art (IULM University);
– Principles of Linguistics (IULM University).
Among her publications:
Notti E. (2024), The Phaistos Linear A Epigraphic Project. The case of PH 13, in the light of the new evidence emerging from the archive of Phaistos, Pasiphae XVIII (2024), pp. 301-317.
Notti E. (2023), “Orality” and Writing on the Island of Thera, Pasiphae XVII (2023), pp. 243-260.
Notti E. (2023), Conservare e “tradurre” frammenti e memorie dal Mediterraneo antico, in Lingue e linguaggi per la pace II, Poli-femo 26 (2023), pp. 95-109.
Rocca G., Notti E., Muscariello M. (2023), Po-ro-wi-to-jo. Scritti in onore di Mario Negri, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2023.
Notti E. (2022), Osservazioni intorno all’etimologia del gr. λαβύρινθος, in “Suadìti?” Scritti di amici e colleghi in memoria di Francesco Aspesi, Studi Camito-Semitici 9, Milano, Centro Studi Camito-Semitici, 2022, pp. 253-273.
Flouda G., Notti E., Greco A. (2021), The Pa-i-to Epigraphic Web Project, www.paitoproject.it, Pasiphae XV (2021), pp. 165-168.
Notti E. (2021), Writing in Late Bronze Age Thera. Further Observations on the Theran Corpus of Lineare A, Pasiphae, XV (2021), pp. 207-225.
Notti E. (2020), On the Ashlar Walls of Late Bronze Age Akrotiri (Thera), in M. Devolder, I. Kreimerman (eds), Ashlar: Exploring the Materiality of Cut-Stone Masonry in the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age, AEGIS 17, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp. 421-445.
Notti E. (2020), “Cruces Creticae”, in M. Negri (a c. di), Zeus prima di Zeus e altri studi cretesi: persistenze cultuali a Creta fra minoico e miceneo, Mantova, Universitas Studiorum, pp. 89-134. Notti E. [2019], “‘Dalla Tavoletta al Tablet’ (TT): linee progettuali e stato della ricerca”, Alessandria. 12 (2018) [2019], pp. 327-338.
Notti E. (2018). Writing in Late Bronze Age Thera. An Overview of the Development of Writing Practices, Stricto Sensu and Lato Sensu, during the Minoan Cultural Expansion of the 2nd Millennium BC, (12th International Congress of Cretan Studies, Heraklion, 21-25 settembre 2016, www.12iccs.gr) – nunc in: Mantua Humanistic Studies I (with drawings of the Theran corpus of Linear A and essential comments), eds. Notti-Scarpanti, Mantova, 2018, pp. 303-320.
Notti E. (2018). Trading Spellings between Egypt and Crete, Pasiphae, 12, pp. 145-163.
Notti E. (2018). Mycenaean po-re-na. A Philological and Linguistic Inquiry into a Famous Mycenaean Crux. Vol. 1 Mantova, Universitas Studiorum S.r.l. (vol. 2 in preparation).
Notti E. (2017). Osservazioni sul miceneo a-sa-mi-to, Alessandria, 10, pp. 33-45.
Notti E. (2017). “L’Eroico” e il “Divino”: memorie Micenee dell’Età del Bronzo, Paideia, 72, pp. 661-681.
Notti E. (2017). A Model of Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage, Alessandria, 10, pp. 93-106.
Notti E. (2017). “Pisani anti-neogrammatico: questioni di lingua e di testo”: il caso peculiare della tavoletta micenea PY EN 659. In: L’opera scientifica di Vittore Pisani nel quadro della glottologia indeuropea fra Ottocento e Novecento, Alessandria, 11, pp. 173-191.
Notti E. (2016). Miceneo po-ro-wi-to-jo e po-ro-wi-to, Pasiphae, 10, pp. 187-199.
Notti E. (2015). Riflessioni intorno all’iscrizione in lineare A THE Zb 2. Alessandria, 8, pp. 87-112.
Notti E., Aspesi F. (2014). Tracce del culto dell’ape a Thera, DO-SO-MO, 10, pp. 35-53.
Notti E. (2014). A Catalogue of the Mason’s Marks at Akrotiri, Pasiphae, 8, pp. 97-136.
Negri M., Notti E. (2011). Notes on the Linguistic History of Thera, Do-so-mo, 9, pp. 29-38.
Facchetti G., Negri M., Notti E., Epigraphy and Linguistic History of Cyprus: Status and Perspective, in L. Godart at. al.., Actes du Colloque International « Un millénaire d’histoire et d’archéologie chypriotes (1600-600 AV. J. C.) » (Milan 18-19 octobre 2012), Pasiphae, 7 (2013), pp. 57-66.
Notti E., Note paleografiche sul segnario della lineare A, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2012.
Fiandra E.-Notti E. (a c. di). (2011). I libretti di Luigi Pernier. Scavo del Palazzo di Festòs (1900-1902), Roma-Bagnasco di Montafia (Asti), Edizioni CIRAAS.
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